The TRUTH About Pain and Injury.
(A Biopsychosocial Approach)

A truly evidence based approach to understanding and treating pain and injury. Based on contemporary pain science and firmly rooted in the best scientific evidence available. Essential for Physiotherapists, Doctors, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Nurses, Rehabilitation Specialists, and Healthcare Workers who work with people with pain.
  • Enrolled
  • 8 hours 33 minutes

    Video duration
  • 25 hours

    Course duration

    How and why a scientifically evidence based biopsychosocial treatment approach can help your patients to recover from pain. 

    Human pain is not simple! Pain is never just the result of 'something going wrong' with a joint, muscle, tendon, bone or ligament. Nor is it a manifestation of weak, tight, or 'knotted' muscles. It is also not a series of simple signals that run from the body's tissues up nerves registering as pain in the brain.

    Pain involves the ever changing complex interplay of factors such as our genes, immune responses, nerves, injured and uninjured body tissues, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and memories. It involves sociological and cultural factors including our environment, family life, and social upbringing. We could think of pain as an emergent perception of our biological, psychological, and sociological state, or put a little more simply, pain is a biopsychosocial experience.

    If this is all new to you or sounds very complicated and daunting, please don't be intimidated or let it put you off. While it has to be conceded that the nature of human pain is complex, gaining a contemporary understanding of it and using this knowledge in your clinical practice doesn't have to be. What we have done throughout this course is break down the component parts of the biology, psychology, and sociology related to human pain states, so that we can study them and understand them within the context of human pain. This affords us the opportunity of bringing all of these elements together again as part of our clinical reasoning process, knowing that this is grounded in the highest quality scientic evidence available, and that we are providing our patients with the most effective treatment approaches available for their pain and injuries.

     Although our scientific understanding of pain is far from complete, it is worth taking a moment to celebrate and acknowledge the amazing progress and advances in the treatment of pain that have come around over the last 30-years. In fact its true to say that we have learned more about pain in the last 30-years than we have in the whole history of medicine that preceded this! If I think back to what I was taught about pain in the early 1990's at university the 'pain teachings' of this era are now literally 'dead in the water'. Other than learning about nerve action potentials and a bit of 'pain gate' theory its all gone, confined to the annals of medical history under the category of 'nice idea but wrong'! As I've said elsewhere, scientists and health professionals (including me) working with people with pain back then did the best they could with the knowledge they had at that point in time. Unfortunately, it just wasn't enough to be able to help lots of our patients with pain. What's more, the facts about pain science have turned out to be radically different to the multiples of unsubstantiated theories and 'guesswork' that came before. Historically, it is these flawed and outdated theories about pain and illness that still underpin many of the philosophies and treatment approaches being used and offered to patients all around the world today. Knowing this, it is perhaps not surprising that these treatment approaches when placed under scientific scrutiny have displayed very modest or often poor levels of success when it comes to treating pain. 

    In view of the fact that pain is a bio-psycho-social experience, it is logical and perhaps not surprising to learn that high quality scientific evidence demonstrates that clinical approaches addressing the biological, psychological, and sociological factors involved in each person's individual pain experience are by far the most successful way to treat pain. This is exactly what we discuss in detail throughout 'The Truth About Pain and Injury'.

    This course covers key topics such as pain biology. How to explain and help patients understand pain biology in the context of their pain. Exercise and rehabilitation approaches including 'SMART' & 'SMARTER' principles. Graded exposure, including activity / exercise pacing, and baseline setting. Psychological interventions such as mindfulness, motivational interviewing, and cognitive behavioural approaches. There is also a helpful review of pain pharmacology including the indications for the use (or not) of pain medications. There are evidence-based discussions about the use of passive therapies in the treatment of pain, including how and when manual therapy can be integrated into an evidence-based biopsychosocial approach.

    Our passion and aim is to help you understand the complex nature of human pain and to become skilled in its treatment and management, so that at the end of the course you feel informed and confident to treat all patients with pain. Whether this is pain related to sports injuries in elite or professional sports settings, or chronic pain in a pain clinic or pain management programme, and all other pain in between. As I have said many times over the years, "pain is pain is pain". If we understand its biopsychosocial elements and nature, we should be able to help treat anyone with pain irrespective of its cause.

    What We Offer

    What's included in this online course?

    A step-by-step guide

    Steve Robson
     BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy, MCSP, HCPC, SRP
    'The Truth About Pain and Injury' is firmly rooted in more than 20-years of research and published work produced by Steve Robson  and his often times Co-author, friend, and internationally reknowned pain expert Louis Gifford

    In 2014 Louis Gifford wrote this about Steve Robson in his 'Aches and Pains' textbooks, "It was an honour to have collaborated on some of our writing projects." "Thanks too for thinking like me!"

    Steve will expertly guide you through the scientific evidence about pain, focussing most importantly on its clinical application. He discusses how cutting edge neuroscience is helping expand our understanding and treatment of pain and injury .

     From one working clinician to another, Steve uses his 30-years of clinical experience, detailed video lectures and written text to explain pain science at a 'clinician level', so that it can be used immediately in clinic to help you treat your patients with pain and injury. At the end of the course you will be empowered with a level of pain science knowledge enabling you to effectively apply this to your clinical reasoning process and diagnoses, thus facilitating the successful treatment and management of your patients pain and injuries. These skills and knowledge can be applied in any clinical setting and wherever you engage with people in pain, no matter whether this is elite or professional sports men and women or people with persistent / chronic pain.

    Study at your own pace

    Enrolling on this course enables you to study the evidence-based 'clinician centred' content whenever you want, in your own time and at your own pace. Once purchased, you have unlimited access, so there is no time limit on how long you have to complete the course. There are no subscription fees, it's yours forever, enabling you to re-visit videos or re-read text any time you want.

    Unique learning experience

    There is nothing else like this course!

    Not only will you learn by reading through 9 modules of text and watching over 8 hours of video lectures, there are also some optional interactive clinical exercises designed to help you practice new skills and consolidate your learning and knowledge.

    This course and its entire content has been meticulously designed, written, and produced to help clinicians understand and use the phenomenal advances in pain science to help their patients recover from pain and injury. The extent and attention to evidence-based detail and how this is clinically reasoned and presented makes this course unique.

    There are no other clinician centred courses that utilise high quality, evidence-based pain science and its practical clinical application to the level and depth that is evident throughout 'The Truth About Pain and Injury'.

    Steve Robson

    BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, MCSP, HCPC.
    Steve initially studied cell biology and genetics, qualifying and working as a medical officer specialising in Cardio-respiratory medicine. After 5-years clinical and research work at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK, he left to study physiotherapy at the University of Northumbria, graduating in 1994 with a Bachelor of Science (honours) degree in Physiotherapy. Steve returned to working in the NHS before establishing Aspen Physiotherapy Clinic in 1995 specialising in treating Pain-related neuromusculoskeletal conditions. After more than 30-years working and lecturing in Physiotherapy, Steve remains passionate about helping and treating people with pain and neuromusculoskeletal conditions and he continues to treat patients 4-days each week in his clinic.

    Steve has provided physiotherapy within the field of sports medicine for the British Olympic squad and Royal Yachting Association (RYA). He provides treatment for many professional sports men and women from sports including football, golf, cricket, skiing, rugby, watersports, track and field. He regularly works with professionals from the performing arts including dancers, musicians, and actors. 

    Steve has written, researched, and lectured on the subjects of pain, physiotherapy, neuroscience, rehabilitation medicine, and manual therapy for more than 20-years. He worked for 7-years as clinical director, educator, researcher/writer, and editor of a national post-graduate pain education programme titled, 'Pain Masterclass'.

    Steve is an associate lecturer in health sciences at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK, where he lectures about pain and physiotherapy on the Bachelor and Master of Sciences Physiotherapy programmes. He is also a clinical educator for the University of Northumbria and hosts physiotherapy students at his clinic as part of their clinical placements.

    Steve is a past Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Journal of the Physiotherapy Pain Association'. His writing and research work both as a sole author and co-author with friend, physiotherapy colleague, and world renowned pain researcher and writer Louis Gifford, has been published internationally in peer reviewed text books, journals, and periodicals. Steve previously served as the Honorary scientific and education officer for the Physiotherapy Pain Association, a clinical interest group of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. He founded Aspen Health Sciences to focus on providing high quality, evidence based scientific literature and clinical training courses for health professionals globally who are involved in treating people with pain-related neuromusculoskeletal conditions.
    Patrick Jones - Course author
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